I have recently needed to run varnish (A very fast web cache for busy sites) in a situation that also required use of HTTPS on the box. Unfortunately, Varnish does not not handle crypto, which is probably a good thing given how easy it is for programmers to make mistakes in their code, rendering the security useless!

Whilst recipes for Stunnel and Varnish together exist, information on running them on the same box whilst still presenting the original source IP to varnish for logging/load balancing purposes was scarce – the below configuration “worked for me”, at least on Debian 7.0. (Wheezy) You will need the xt_mark module which should be part of most distributions, but I found was missing from some hosted boxes and VMs with custom kernels. The specific versions of software we are running are based on:

  • Linux 3.13.5
  • Varnish 3.0.6
  • STunnel 5.24

If you are running Varnish 4, the VCL here will require rewriting as it has been updated from version 3.

IPTables – mark traffic from source port 8088 for routing
iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m multiport --sports 8088 -j MARK --set-xmark 0x1/0xffffffff

Routing configuration – anything marked by IPTables, send back to the local box. These two can be added under iface lo as “post-up” commands if you’re on a Debian box.
ip rule add fwmark 1 lookup 100
ip route add local dev lo table 100

STunnel configuration. The connect IP MUST be an IP on the box other than loopback, i.e. it will not work if you specify

accept = 443
connect =
transparent = source

From default.vcl:
import std;

sub vcl_recv {
// Set header variables in a sensible way.
remove req.http.X-Forwarded-Proto;

if (server.port == 8088) {
set req.http.X-Forwarded-Proto = “https”;
} else {
set req.http.X-Forwarded-Proto = “http”;

set req.http.X-Forwarded-For = client.ip;

sub vcl_hash {
// SSL data returned may be different from non-SSL.
// (E.g. including https:// in URLs)